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Google Analytics: A Guide for Beginners

Digital Toppers Digital Marketing Academy Trichy

1) What is Google Analytics?

Google Analytics is a free online monitoring tool and platform that collects data on how people interact with your website. As the data is collected, Google Analytics organizes it into easy-to-read interactive reports, which are shown on the site.

2) Why do you require Google Analytics?

Your website is the foundation of your internet presence. Whether you run a personal blog, a small business website, or an international e-commerce corporation, your website is critical to your success. By utilizing Google Analytics, you can gain a better understanding of how effective your website is as a marketing tool. You’ll acquire useful information, such as which digital efforts are delivering the most traffic to your website. Observing traffic patterns and visitor behavior enables you to assess the success of your website and your entire digital presence. Where do your website visitors come from? Which marketing methods are bringing in the most visitors to your website? What are your website’s most popular pages? Google Analytics can provide answers to all of these queries and more.

3) Viewing Your Traffic Volume

As a novice, this is the most useful knowledge you will obtain from utilizing this program. One of the most important data elements for running a website and business is traffic. Watching your traffic increase or decrease over the day, week, or month is highly useful. Monitoring traffic may teach you a lot about a website’s performance, even at a basic level. Something is working if traffic is growing. Is there a drop in traffic? Something is wrong or might be improved. Seeing your traffic rise is a key validation statistic for newer websites. It helps you stay on track and inspired to do the right thing.

4) More Helpful Reports

Most of you will install Google Analytics, monitor your traffic fast, and then log off. While that’s good, there are several additional reports you should look at. Even if you’re a newbie, you should look at these.

Every Page-

The All Pages report may be found on the left side of your GA dashboard in the “Site Content” section of the “Behavior” menu. The report lists all of the pages on your site that users have visited within a specified period. It assists in determining what people are interested in when they arrive at your website. Reading the All Pages report will reveal which pages require updating or improvement. Pages with the highest degree of interest should be converted first. You can make changes if an essential page isn’t getting enough attention.

Every Traffic-

The GA control panel’s “Acquisition” menu has the All Traffic reports. Specific reports for: may be found in the All Traffic section.





All of these reports indicate the source of your traffic. In addition to acquisition analytics (users, new users, sessions), these reports provide behavior analytics and conversion statistics.

5) Closing Thoughts

Google Analytics should be used by every website. It’s a free tool, and there’s no better way to learn about your website’s visitors. While Google Analytics offers many complex features, novices may get by with only a few simple reports. You only require the basic reports.

You can learn Google Analytics with Digital Marketing Course from Digital Toppers