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Full Stack Development Course

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Full Stack Web Development Course in Trichy

Welcome to Digital Toppers Academy’s Full Stack Development Course! With our thorough Full Stack programming Course, which is tailored for all skill levels, learn about the world of web programming. Our course covers both front-end and back-end technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, Typescript, and Angular. It is suitable for both novice programmers and seasoned professionals wishing to improve their skills.

At Digital Toppers Academy, we support hands-on experience. You will work on real-world projects throughout the course under the direction of knowledgeable professors, developing useful skills and increasing your confidence. Additionally, our welcoming community and tailored career advice guarantee that you are well-equipped for success in the quick-paced tech sector. Take the first step towards a rewarding career as a full stack developer by enrolling right away!

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Full Stack Development Training in Trichy

Beginner & Advanced level Classes.
Hands-On Learning in Full Stack Developer.
Best Practice for interview Preparation Techniques in Full Stack Developer.
Affordable Fees with Best curriculum Designed by Industrial Full Stack Developer Expert.
Delivered by 9+ years of Full Stack Developer Certified Expert.

Full Stack Web Development Modules

Week 1: Introduction to HTML
Understanding the structure and syntax of HTML
Creating basic HTML documents
Working with tags, elements, and attributes
Formatting text, creating headings, and paragraphs
Adding links and images to web pages
Creating lists and tables
Understanding semantic HTML
Creating forms and handling user input
Adding multimedia elements (audio and video)
Organizing content with div and span elements
Creating HTML 5 - specific elements (e.g., article, section)
Implementing best practices for accessibility
Week 2: Introduction to CSS
Understanding the role of CSS in web development
Differentiating between inline, internal, and external CSS
Applying styles to HTML elements (e.g., text, backgrounds, borders)
Working with selectors (class, ID, element, pseudo-classes)
Managing layout with CSS (e.g., box model, positioning)
Using CSS frameworks and libraries (e.g., Bootstrap)
Understanding CSS specificity and inheritance
Creating responsive designs with media queries
Implementing flexbox and grid layouts
Styling forms and user interface elements
Adding animations and transitions with CSS
Optimizing CSS for performance
Week 3: Introduction to JavaScript
Overview of JavaScript and its role in web development
Overview of JavaScript and its role in web development
Variables, data types, and operators
Control structures (e.g., conditionals, loops)
Functions and scope
Introduction to the Document Object Model (DOM)
Manipulating the DOM with JavaScript
Handling user events (e.g., click, hover)
Week 4: Intermediate JavaScript
Working with arrays and objects
Error handling and debugging techniques
Introduction to asynchronous programming (callbacks, promises)
Introduction to AJAX and working with APIs
Overview of front-end frameworks and their benefits (e.g., React, Angular, Vue)
Understanding component-based architecture
Building interactive UI components
Handling state and data flow
Introduction to routing and navigation
Week 5: Project Development and Deployment & Introduction to Node.js
Applying HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build a complete web project
Implementing responsive design and cross-browser compatibility
Testing and debugging the project
Introduction to version control (e.g., Git, GitHub)
Deployment strategies (e.g., hosting, domain management)
Introduction to server-side JavaScript
Understanding the basics of Node.js and its architecture
Setting up the development environment
Working with the Node Package Manager (npm)
Week 6: Asynchronous JavaScript and Node.js Modules
Creating and running a basic Node.js application
Understanding asynchronous programming with callbacks and promises
Working with the File System module
Introduction to the Event-driven architecture in Node.js
Exploring the Common JS module system in Node.js
Building and using custom modules in Node.js
Week 7: Building Web Applications with Express.js
Introduction to Express.js and its role in web development
Creating a basic Express.js server and routing requests
Handling HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
Parsing request data (URL parameters, query strings, and request bodies)
Implementing middleware for handling requests and responses
Introduction to databases and their role in web development
Interacting with databases using the MySQLDB Node.js driver
Implementing CRUD operations with MySQLDB
Week 8: Authentication and RESTFul API
Understanding user authentication and authorization concepts
Implementing user registration and login functionality
Working with password hashing and encryption
Implementing user authentication using JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
Role-based access control and authorization middleware
Building RESTful APIs with Express.js
Error handling and validation
Working with WebSocket for real-time communication
Testing and debugging Express.js applications
Deploying Node.js and Express.js applications to production
Final project development and presentation
Week 9: Introduction to Typescript and Angular
Overview of Angular and its role in web development
Setting up the development environment
Creating a new Angular project using the Angular CLI
Understanding the Angular project structure
Building and running the initial Angular application
Introduction to TypeScript and its features
TypeScript data types and variables
Working with functions and classes in TypeScript
Understanding modules and namespaces in TypeScript
Using TypeScript with Angular applications
Week 10: Angular Components, Templates, Directives and Pipes
Understanding Angular components and their lifecycle
Creating and using Angular components
Building templates with Angular's template syntax
Working with data binding and interpolation
Handling events with Angular event binding
Understanding Angular directives and their types
Building custom directives in Angular
Using built-in directives (e.g., ngIf, ngFor)
Introduction to Angular pipes and their usage
Creating custom pipes for data transformation
Week 11: Forms, Validation, Routing and Navigation
Building and working with Angular forms
Implementing form validation using Angular's built-in validators
Custom form validation and error handling
Working with reactive forms in Angular
Implementing form submission and handling form data
Introduction to Angular routing and navigation
Configuring routes and route parameters
Implementing route guards for authentication and authorization
Handling route navigation and route events
Lazy loading and optimizing Angular application performance
Week 12: Advance Topics
Services and Dependency Injection
Working with HTTP services and making API calls
Angular Modules and Feature Modules
Sharing data and services between modules
Internationalization and localization in Angular
Debugging and performance optimization techniques

Course Benefits

Dual Certifications - Course + Internship
Real Time Projects - Practical Experience
Google Certified Professional Trainers
15+ Years Of Digital Experience
Mentor with Industry Experts
Professional Google Certifications
6+ Months Extended Support
100% Jobs Assistance

Tools & Platform

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