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Flutter – Mobile App Development Course

Best Digital Training Academy in India

Flutter – App Development Course in Trichy

Welcome to Digital Toppers Academy’s Flutter Development Course! With our thorough Flutter programming course, which is tailored for all skill levels, learn about the world of app development. Our course covers Introduction to Flutter, Flutter Widgets and UI Design, Navigation and Routing, State Management in Flutter, Networking and API Integration,  Flutter and Firebase, Flutter Animations and Gestures, Flutter and Device Features, Flutter project development and publish that app in google play store. It is suitable for both fresh graduates and experienced professionals wishing to improve their skills.

At Digital Toppers Academy, we support hands-on education. You will work on real-world projects throughout the course under the direction of knowledgeable professors, developing useful skills and increasing your confidence. Additionally, our welcoming community and tailored career advice guarantee that you are well-equipped for success in the quick-paced tech sector. Take the first step towards a rewarding career as a flutter developer by enrolling right away.

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Mobile App Development – Flutter Training in Trichy

Beginner & Advanced level Classes.
Hands-On Learning in Flutter Developer.
Best Practice for interview Preparation Techniques in Flutter Developer.
Affordable Fees with Best curriculum Designed by Industrial Flutter Developer Expert.
Delivered by 9+ years of Flutter Developer Certified Expert.

Flutter Mobile App Development Modules

Week 1: Introduction to Flutter
Overview of Flutter and its advantages
Setting up the development environment (Flutter SDK, IDE)
Understanding the Flutter architecture
Creating and running the first Flutter app
Introduction to Dart programming language
Week 2: Flutter Widgets and UI Design
Exploring the Flutter widget hierarchy
Working with basic widgets (Text, Image, Container, etc.)
Building layouts using rows, columns, and grids
Styling and theming Flutter apps
Implementing responsive design with media queries
Week 3: Navigation and Routing
Understanding Flutter's navigation system
Implementing basic navigation between screens
Working with named routes and route parameters
Navigating with data passing and back button handling
Handling navigation animations and transitions
Week 4: State Management in Flutter
Introduction to state management concepts
Working with local state using Stateful Widget
Implementing state management with Provider package
Using setState and managing widget state
Introduction to state management patterns (e.g., BLoC, Redux)
Week 5: Networking and API Integration
Making HTTP requests with Flutter's http package
Handling API responses and parsing JSON data
Implementing CRUD operations with REST APIs
Working with authentication and authorization
Error handling and displaying network feedback
Week 6: Flutter and Firebase
Introduction to Firebase and its integration with Flutter
Implementing user authentication with Firebase Authentication
Storing and retrieving data using Firebase Firestore
Using Firebase Cloud Messaging for push notifications
Implementing Firebase Analytics for app tracking
Week 7: Flutter Animations and Gestures
Animating widgets with Flutter's animation framework
Working with implicit and explicit animations
Gestures and touch interactions in Flutter
Implementing drag and drop functionality
Creating custom animations and gestures
Week 8: Flutter and Device Features
Accessing device features (camera, location, sensors)
Working with device permissions
Integrating device-specific functionalities (e.g., maps, sensors)
Using Flutter packages for additional functionality
Testing and debugging Flutter applications

Course Benefits

Dual Certifications - Course + Internship
Real Time Projects - Practical Experience
Google Certified Professional Trainers
15+ Years Of Digital Experience
Mentor with Industry Experts
Professional Google Certifications
6+ Months Extended Support
100% Jobs Assistance

Tools & Platform

app development flutter course digital toppers Digital Toppers Digital Marketing Academy Trichy